Here you will find four separate activities we were required to do, which involves delving into our knowledge of the Design Industry. Definitely an important activity to do, as this is basically essential to learn and not just in the Graphic Design industry, but in all industries!
We covered the importance of constructive feedback, employment obligations and opportunities that impact designers, trends in the design industry and finally, ethical and legal work practises in the design industry. So here we go! It's a bit of a lengthy read I know, but it's all important!
List four websites on giving constructive feedback to designers:
What is your opinion on critiquing or giving constructive feedback? Can you relate it to anything you have done in the past?
To me, constructive feedback is one, if not THE most important things you will come across. Constructive feedback can make you a better design artist. It can contribute to your personal attributes and growth. The only way to learn and improve your work is to take on constructive feedback and criticism. I also find that feedback can improve morale.
Finally, the best kind of constructive feedback is to be honest, accurate and specific, as well as being helpful and friendly!
What is your opinion about the employment obligations and opportunities that impact designers? Has this changed your perception on Graphic Design? Share your knowledge on this topic.
Personally, the obligations of a Graphic Designer may seem to be a bit daunting and overwhelming, but to me they excite me as I like challenges to improve myself. I like the idea of flexibility and adaptability of being a designer. Most of the time, employment obligations for being a designer does require you having quite a bit of experience under your belt, with having a great understanding of Adobe programs such as InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as having time management skills (meeting deadlines, planning ahead, etc.). Of course, there are a wide variety of positions available under the Graphic Design industry – from being a Graphic Designer to a Junior Designer to a Pre-press operator and so forth – so the obligations can be different for each position, but generally having some experience in the industry would be ideal to employers.
Has my perception changed on graphic design? Not at all! I feel like I’m very creative and flexible, and this industry is without a doubt something I want to keep pursuing. Whilst it may be a tad hard to get your foot in the door, I am sure once you do it will be quite the rewarding experience!
What is the best way to seek information on new design trends and technology?
The absolute best way to seek information on new design trends and technology is the simplest: searching the world wide web! There are literally dozens of websites and blogs out there solely dedicated to keeping up with the latest design trends and technology. You’ll find lots of great tips, inspiration (which is always important) and the latest news among many of these websites/blogs.
How can you stay up-to-date with current trends in the graphic design industry?
The best and ideal way to stay up-to-date with current trends are to search for blogs and/or websites dedicated to learning all about the newest and current trends, and from here you can simply and easily choose to subscribe (or “Follow”) to said blogs and websites. You can even receive emails or newsletters which will keep you up-to-date with everything new right to your inbox.
List any websites or blogs you find of interest:
In the context of design, share your knowledge on ethical and legal work practises in day-to-day work activities:
As with any other workplace, graphic designers are required to work both ethically and legally. By agreeing to this, designers need to understand the full terms of ethical and legal work practices within the design industry. It’s also important to disclose all the terms of your work with your clients. This may include payments and who particular owns the rights to the work you create. Ideally, this should be all combined in a legal contract. As a designer yourself, you must not steal or copy another’s work or ideas, you must stick to the confidentiality agreement within the two parties and always make sure you have permission to use another’s work. As well as this, ethically you are to produce your work that is to the specifications and the desire of your client. And finally, make sure you are fairly compensated (usually what you and the client have firmly agreed on) and do not work for free!
How many different types of censorship are there?
The main types of censorship include political, religious, educational sources, creative censorship and self-censorship. But there are a various amount of other censorships which include advertising, internet censorship, film and television, etc.
Can you list any other websites which relate to this topic of ethical and legal issues in the design industry?