Monday, 3 August 2015

Learning Activity 03 - Black Squares

Hope everyone reading this had a good weekend!

So for today's assignment, we had the task of using words to communicate and convey meaning by simply using shapes and space. The words were as follows (and you can see below also): Order, Increase, Bold, Congested, Tension and Playful.

Here is the following result, simply using up to four squares:

** Funny fact -  by the fourth big square I had run out of black marker, so I simply drew the outline of the remaining two squares and filled in the black by scanning the image and using Photoshop. Note to self: buy more markers!

As well as this, we were also asked to find an advertisement from magazines that we feel represents the mentioned words. I have that here for you to look at too:







That's all for today. See you tomorrow!

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